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The Totally Unscientific Study of the Search for Human Happiness

Cover of The Totally Unscientific Study of the Search for Human Happinessbook

Book Decription:

Offering herself up as a human guinea pig in a series of thoroughly unscientific experiments, Poundstone tries out a different get-happy hypothesis in each chapter of her data-driven search. She gets in shape with taekwondo. She drives fast behind the wheel of a Lamborghini. She communes with nature while camping with her daughter, and commits to getting her house organized (twice!). Swing dancing? Meditation? Volunteering? Does any of it bring her happiness? You may be laughing too hard to care.

The Totally Unscientific Study of the Search for Human Happiness is both a story of jumping into new experiences with both feet and a surprisingly poignant tale of a single working mother of three children (not to mention dozens of cats, a dog, a bearded dragon lizard, a lop-eared bunny, and one ant left from her ant farm) who is just trying to keep smiling while living a busy life.

The queen of the skepticism-fueled rant, Paula Poundstone stands alone in her talent for bursting bubbles and slaying sacred cows.

Categories: BEHAVIOR, Biases, Change, Complex Realities, Emotions, Family, Fear of the Unknown, Gender Roles, Happiness, HEALTH, Independent Thinking, Individuality, Information/Facts, Insincerity, KNOWLEDGE, Learning, Learning from Failures, Logic, Logical Ethics, Mental Health, Negative Thinking, Other People Exist, Planning, Pride & Shame, Rewards and Punishments, Science, Social Skills, Teachers and Mentors, The Scientific Method, THINKING, Unhealthy Behavior, and What Should Be

Author: Paula Poundstone

Website: Link

Publisher: Algonquin Books

Publishing Date: 2017-05-09

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